People have such different ideas about when to get on and deal with Wills.

Some young people with few financial assets want to take action. Some people with one of the most valuable thing in the world – children – want to ensure things are organised and in place correctly, even while they’re carrying bump. I once had a couple in their nineties ask me if people do Wills before reaching their age. I broke it to that sweet couple that many people don’t reach their age.

So, is it about age for you? Is it about children? Is it about assets or buying a property?

The fact is that all I can do is nudge you, poke you, gently harrass you, to take action.

I say this repeatedly, but my goal is not necessarily to be involved in preparing your Will, though if we’re a good match, I will look after you as family and I will treat you and your documents with respect. The documents will be as beautiful and simple as I can make them, condensing a very thorough process into a readable document which gives joy and peace of mind. My goal is to encourage you to consciously decide when to take action.

Have a think about what needs to happen for you to be ready to get Wills in place, and if you’d like to chat through anything with me, please pick up the phone and connect.

Call Jane on 01727 840 240 or drop her a line at to set up a time to discuss your own situation.