When’s your expiry date?
I understand that a lot of us are in denial, but we all have an expiry date.
Some of us probably have a best before date, even though we’re in denial about that too.
On the basis that it’s generally not possible to predict which particular day or month or even year it’ll be, it’s a good idea to get your Will in place.
Your Will formally appoints the executors you choose to put in charge, perhaps the guardians for your children and of course, the beneficiaries you select.
What’s the best way to deal with the fact that you can’t predict when you’ll expire?
Shall we keep it nice and simple?
The answer is, get on with your Will.
And if you think it’s conceivable that you may have a best before date, when you’re not as sharp or capable as you currently are, then you should consider Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs).
Please remember that when you pass your best before date, it can be more difficult to get your documents in place. And following your expiry, you either have them in place, or you don’t.
If you’d like to chat through any concerns you have about Wills, LPAs or Probate, please get in touch with Jane on 01727 840 240 (option 3) or reach out on Jane@jcwillsandprobate.co.uk
Don’t be shy. Have a chat.