Educating Jane

Last week I had a meeting with a beautiful lady, who educated me, as we sat chatting for an hour or so after she’d signed her Will and Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs). She had told me that all women in her LPAs were to be referred to as “Ms”...

Getting your Will in place is like going to the cinema

For many activities there’s a first step, then the rest of the process flows forth from there. If you want to go to the cinema, you work out what film you want to see, where you want to see it, and then you make a booking. Next step? Turn up. Spend an hour or...

Codicil vs. New Will

I’m sometimes asked whether a new Will is really necessary, or if a client is allowed to just change things with a bit of tippex and careful annotations! Certainly the scribbles approach is not the way forward. The question really, is whether your changes...

Why so fast?

I sometimes commiserate with fellow professionals about how long it can take clients to sign their Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs). It can be months, sometimes years. If the ball is put in a client’s court, they can think, ponder and plan to consider...

Let’s use language we all understand

One of the biggest double takes I ever experienced, was when I was asked to say hello to a little old lady, surely in her eighties, who was recovering from implants. The mind boggled, and I tried not to look too keenly at her bosom area. I was then educated about...