Guardian choice is not a good reason for inaction

Sometimes I meet a couple who are putting off their Wills, because they believe they’ll never agree on who to appoint as guardians in their Wills. Guardians are appointed in your Wills, in case both parents die, leaving children under 18 years, to bring up your...

Mrs May please listen to us!

Inheritance Tax is considered by many, to be the most unfair tax of England & Wales. It’s not going anywhere, but the new proposals, due to come into effect in 2017, are ridiculously complex and in my opinion, unfair. Like our Prime Minister, I am merely an...

Back to school Wills

Are Wills still on your list of “things to do”? How long has that item been on the list? Now that you’ve got the kids back to school, uniforms sorted, homework regime re-established, how about you prioritise yourself and get Wills done with a...

Sleep Easy

Do you stay up at night, wondering what would happen if you actually die with no Will in place? Do you wake up in the wee hours and ponder who would be the best guardians for your children, if the worst were to happen and they’re still only little ones? If you...

Going to hospital?

Going to hospital is not a great prompt to get your Will in place. It’ll do, but I wouldn’t recommend it as a way to feel in control. Sometimes people get in touch with me when their loved one is in hospital, and of course we help as much as we can....