Big Brother is not watching you
When you finally go ahead with your Will, there will be no fanfare, no-one will congratulate you. Well, perhaps your spouse will give you a hug of appreciation. A thank you for prioritising protecting them.
My message to you as you read this article, is that no-one is coming.
No-one is going to come and sit you down and tell you it’s now time to get your Will done. It’s just not going to happen.
You really do have to take the first step yourself.
And even then, it’s just your very closest that will know you expressed your love in a meaningful way.
If you need a celebration, please buy yourself some cake to enjoy after the signing process is complete.
If you have questions, or need to understand something before going ahead, please feel you can give my team a call and ask anything you’d like to.
Jane’s email is and our telephone number is 01727 840 240.