I’m sorry
I’m sorry that this has been a really tough time.
Some of you have lost loved ones.
Some of you can’t see a way out of grief.
Some of you are coping with your grief by taking action with your Wills.
Some of you are freaked out by observing the effects of “long Covid” in people you know, and you’re getting Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) in place.
Some of you are concerned about how you will pay for the Wills you now feel keen to put in place.
Some of you feel you should be taking action on the Grant of Probate application that needs to be made after someone died. You have no idea yet if you’re able to complete the forms yourself, or whether there are traps you’re likely to fall for, particularly if Inheritance Tax is part of the situation.
I’m sorry that this is a really tough time, and I want you to know that I’m as available to you if you’re determined to complete Probate forms yourself, as if you want to hand everything over to a professional and relieve yourself of that responsibility.
If you know anything about me, and “Jane’s Story” explains where I come from professionally, you’ll know I’m here to serve.
The fact is, a lot more young people are approaching me for Wills. They’ve lost dear friends to Covid, young friends, and there’s an urgency I’m not familiar with, even after almost twenty years practising. This is a very strange time.
Please, know that I am genuinely sorry for the situation a lot of people are in. What can I do? I can help with the legal stuff – Wills, LPAs and Probate. I can also offer you relaxed payments, if that’s going to make things easier. I can chat things through and we can work out together if you need new documents or if your existing documents do the job. We can consider whether you’re able to deal with certain things yourself or whether you’d benefit from handing papers over.
I can be contacted on Jane@jcwillsandprobate.co.uk or call the office line 01727 840 240 for an initial chat. Don’t be shy.