It’s a common thought that you’ll get round to putting your Will in place, in good time.
All in good time, all in good time.
The trouble is, not everyone gets the luxury of time, or the knowledge of when they’re likely to die.
People who are told they’re likely to die in the next few months, due to a diagnosis which cannot be treated, will often not deal with a Will, and a family struggling to cope with such news, will often not push matters, as it would feel insensitive.
Please don’t assume that you’ll receive the luxury of time. The luxury of a long life, or the luxury of being given a reasonably accurate notice period before your death. It doesn’t always work out that way.
If you think through what the basics are, that you want to include in your Will – the who gets what aspect – then you’ve got to ask yourself what you’re waiting for. If you want to get it sorted, go ahead and get it sorted, and if you later change your mind or fall out with one of your chosen people, you can always review it and get a new Will in place.
Whatever you do, please don’t rely on the luxury of time. It may not be a good strategy for you and your family.
If you want to chat through some of your ideas before committing to a meeting, give Jane a call on 01727 840 240 and have a chat. Alternatively, drop her a line at and she’ll give you as much guidance as possible.